The educational material (tools and methodology) have been developed by project partners in the frame of SENTIM, Social Entrepreneurship for Immigrants, an Erasmus+ project.
Tools were developed by professionals in project partner organizations and based on available literature and practical experiences. Before designing final versions all tools were practically used and tested in the field with relevant target groups (immigrants and professionals working with immigrants).
Our aim is to make the methodology and the tools available to individuals and organizations working with and providing support to immigrants who show interest and potential to be active in entrepreneurship or to start their own business career in a new country. All tools are presented in detail in the following chapters, guidelines and instructions for the use of the tools are added for each tool.
Project Partners
The educational material (tools and methodology) have been developed by project partners in the frame of SENTIM, Social Entrepreneurship for Immigrants, an Erasmus+ project.
At the end of the review of the educational material, the user will be able to have the certification of attendance. This certification is not being recognized by official bodies, but still is an additional qualification for the job market.
The educational material was developed by the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development in collaboration with other partners under the European project "SENTIM: Social ENTrepreneurship for Immigrants" supported by the European Commission.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [courses] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein.