Validation of informal learning acquired by executives at training and consulting centers in the field of social economy.
Certification of knowledge and informal skills and competences of a Consultant or an Unemployed in the Social Economy sector.
Establishment of European standards for certification in the field of Social Economy.
Target Group
In the certification process may be involved:
consultants / trainers, who either have or do not have formal academic qualifications.
unemployed who have considerable experience in social enterprises and consulting field.
and want to certify the informally acquired knowledge, skills and competences s in the Social Economy sector.
The certification process includes three (3) stages:
Curriculum Vitae
Multiple Choices
of a case study
Validity of Certification
The Certificate was developed based on the professional profile of Social Economy Consultant / Trainer in Europe.
There is no time limitation of its validity.
Please note that the Certificate is not recognized by public bodies, but it is an added value for the labor market.
Development of the Certification
This certification was developed by the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development for the needs of the project «EC-ASE: European Certificate for Advisors / Educators of Social Economy".
Originally was drafted the job profile of Social Economy Consultant / Trainer. The job profile reflects the functions and tasks carried out by the professional and the knowledge, skills and competences required for their implementation.
The next step was the matching of the job profile with the levels of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
The certification was based on the evaluation of Learning Outcomes, which are the knowledge, skills and competences. Each learning outcome is evaluated with certain mean (CV, On-line test, Case Study).