Course Units
It includes information about the four industrial revolutions, as well as an introduction to production management.
This unit contains information on CAD, RE and 3D printing and CNC.
It describes key concepts of cloud computing as well as cloud models.
It introduces the concept of the Smart Factory.
The unit introduces eCommerce and why it is useful for SMEs.
What is eLeadership and why it is of key importance in the new digital technologies?
This unit explains the concept of Big Data and its usefulness for businesses.
It provides an introduction to the concepts of industrial networking and security.
The educational material was developed by the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development in collaboration with the other project partners under the Erasmus+ project “RESTART: Digital Training Toolbox to FosteR EU’S IndusTry 4.0 RevoluTion”, supported by the European Commission.
At the end of the material and after having finished all quizzes, the user will receive a course certificate. This certification is not recognized by official bodies, but it can still serve as an additional qualification in the CV and the job market.